Wednesday, October 28, 2015


There is a tremendous upheaval within me
It is a desire to be enjoyed and enjoy
My pasts, my actions-
There is a tremendous attachment within me
To the faulty and the unheard of,
Disciplined and momentary luxuries are no more
Counted against my sins and secrets-
It is a joy that beholds us all,
My youthful innocence and musings
On the innermost recesses of my being;
Where does my heart lie and what does it stand to gain-
To produce that which I lack again and again
That which will need me the most;
I am a man, an animal in its most animalistic state.
To say I am a cannibal would be wrong
But there are certainties in others which I enjoy,
A new look, a fresh feeling, a great act.
That which I value the most is love
Toward the deity that created this thought
For it could only have been me and nobody else,
So where would this deity go if not
Straight back in its shell

In its shell lies an amusing song
Taken from places unknown and mystical
Where sadhu-babas throng to wrong
Those who have been strong;
A musing that I enjoy is also strong
For supple is the opposite of wrong
And as a man I once thought I could do no wrong.

I sit in a room where no wind blows
But my skin has weathered a storm
Of madness, incompatibility and sin
But I wash it all off with a song.
Where my shell is so strong
And I can do no wrong.

Wealth and prosperity comes to us all
For a light on the beaten path
Where eagles have soared
Centuries past
However it is rare to find in an animal’s song
It has to be victorious and kept free
To roam around and sniff out
This self-defeating charm
I am happy if happy I can be at all
Without this poison that unmakes us all

I lay waste to many pieces of a song
That flow like a river of blood
Through my veins into the heart of my big estate
Beyond the walls of which I do not taste or tempt-
Anyone else’s fate

Wrong is he who tries to be
And tries not to see
Anyone else’s shoes
For pain and repentance are crude
And privileged is he who can write as his heart desires
Most of which are co-conspirators of fame, name and gain
And dire this mystical desire of breaking free
Of this witty shellfish which most of the time
Makes no sense of itself
But goes on beating its own name
Against the fires that burn us all
In one maddening moment of torment
Rushing into its torrent
Proven too chaotic is a soul of markets
Or a market of souls
Where glasses are sold and milkshakes made
For little sleepy babes
To form their gentle caress
Against my skin
That weathers a storm
Today, tomorrow and again
To grow


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