Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A Wreck-less Soldier Divine

Love lives are strange
They make you want
More and more gain
For where is the pain
When lust has begun
Its game

No miseries to behold
Or tame
I grin at the chagrin
At the mention of her name
Through psychotic lunacy
I reign quietly, steadily and simply
Within my castle walls of shame

Love breathes in its sweet lullabies
Once again, I look, yonder, at having slain
The last red book of pain
Accumulated in the terrain
And awaiting in the rain
That touches me in places profane

I linger on momentarily for her gaze
That lights me ablaze
There is so much to seek
And so little I find
That one grows disdain
In this aching rain
I can’t stop it even if I wanted to
Your pleasure, your pain, is mine

My glory and my reign peaks with you
Sitting atop my chair
And speaks to you
Never doubt me oh Holy one
For what I feel is real pain
It just comes and goes again

All through the night,
In the fading light
Of century old monoliths
Gathering rust, dust, decay and time
For we want to feel
Eternally beloved,
That which we have created
To lose his life
And survive under His gaze
In His name and reign

Hear my rage, my pain
And never stop me again
For I’ll beat it out of you,
With a stick so divine
That was so prejudiced all the time

He will come bouncing off the walls and
Protect you from every insult
Uttered in His name
Oh His pretty wife
Christ, Allah, Shiva and pain
Make me shiver and cower in vain
In this dark sweet melody
Of this transcendence, hail!

Equality is sought by those
Waiting to pay attendance
At his doors
Which are open to all those
Boundless fools enjoying the mirth
Of a century old sore

Yours and yours only be he,
Through time and torture
His methods have taught me
To be brave and conquer
The memory of His demise
Through time and torture
I form into a wreck-less Soldier Divine


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