Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Blue Glory

Love breaks and burns
Slashes and twists
Weaves its dismal agony around Him
But I wait and protect
In austere reject
For King and Country!
My respect
For who am I to tell
What is in this shell?
Of a broken hearted man
So near his demise
That he does not notice
His soiled chemise
And misused robes, rules and drawls
Channelling through me toward my sad device
Of saliva coated empathy
I ramble on swords
Mythical, mystical and divine
So far away from me
I cannot tell
Their spell
Has got a hold on me
Oh deep blue skies
Please open up for me and others
So we can fight
To believe in what is right
As a soldier approaches his death
In a battlefield of joy
Neither regret nor sorrow he feels for the Deepening
Blue skies
All around him are familiar cries
Of roads transferred to premise
Oh Blue Glory
Find me my time
And erase my bad memories
From my tummy, yummy, mummy
And return to me the soldier
Parched respect out of his suicide and solitude divine
For the world he believed in has died
And on to the next one he flies
Like tampons thrown in a dark light
Under a deep blue moonlit sky


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