Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Your Darkness.

I am in your soul,
Your mind blocks my escape.
Let me go, or listen to me,
for your sake.

Your mind reeks, a putrid stench.
It's old, it's cavernous,
The voice that resonates from within you
Leaves me feeling unclothed
Every time it passes my soul.
It will replay the same thought,
The same vision, yours is a world
Of under exposed images and choked throats.

You could not precipitate
Your demonic ignorance-
I thought, being human,
Your heart would beat
That tune in your ear;
But neither that, nor this,
That I say unto you now
Will you hear.

You are no longer human,
Just a drool,
A string of filth on a spool.

It took me a while, my soul so divided,
To gather all that my mind guided,
Now I have arrived without leaving here;

The Piper awaits, the Dawn is near.