Friday, December 11, 2009

The Misfit

I saw the melting candle in your eye
I saw it melt and drain away all my love,
I tried to figure out where you came from
I wanted to see who you were,
But when I looked in your eye I saw only love
And in your wake I saw your love's deeds,
Perfectly immaculate, rightfully deserving,
Everything about you seemed perfect and intact.
When I looked in your eye I cowered in shame
My shadowed heart still the same.
To be love's slave is to keep chained
The love inside of you.
I tried in vain to release the pain,
But you had turned and walked away
And I knew why this time.
So close yet so far, The shadow over my heart
Still remains the same.


Ridhima bahl said...

I really liked the vision of love and melting candle..overall a beautiful image of this thing out there whether a person or just a image that you describe as can feel it,the beauty,the smile,glitters in the eyes,the touch and the love..

its a very very powerful image.thats why it makes every1 judge themselves against it and ends up comparing oneself to this image and then we all seem like a misfit..
let the image of perfection remain and one must see oneself through its eyes...if its really beautiful deep inside and is filled up with love,it will make you feel not any different or misfit but instead will fill you up with yourself..this image is there in every1,must find it and fall in love with and care for yourself as we do for others..

Tosham said...

yeah its all about the balance and the continuity..thanks ridhima..i am looking forward to more such comments in the future. may god bless and shower all creation with fairy dust.