When we participate, when we contribute and bring a little piece to the bigger picture we integrate, we solidify and we understand.
When we capitalize, when we try to gain we fragment, we dissolve, we separate. A small step intended towards personal benefit snowballs into an entire arena created for and the maintenance of greed which after a while cannot be supported and it brings down the entire structure. Growth happens naturally and so does death but enticement, enticement knows no bounds, everything else does.
90 people have died so far due to the cold wave and many more suffer daily. Discomfort brings about the most peculiar feeling of dissent in man, there is no explanation for it. It is a feeling similar and close to death. Mix with it an ideal of covetousness so prevail ant in society today and you inadvertently get crime. What is the source of intelligence that reaches fastest to the poor- cinema. And if there are enticing women dancing there being tastelessly seductive how strong will your resolve be? Considering you have no roof over your head, no money save the little you earn that very day but your desires are abundant. Films are created keeping such people in mind and that is their source of income. It explains the absurd crores meaningless films make. Marketing and Advertising as it is taught today is a direct stroke on ones genitals, B- Schools are famous for it. Culture is defined by how much you can covet, how much you have been able to and how much more you can. Peace is achieved by the ability to gloat. When we begin to look at what black money is, and really understand the processes through which it accumulates we begin to glimpse at what evil looks like. And when the entire picture is shown to you, when the vested interest is in protecting the foundation of this body of lies, when the protectors of this drug turn on you and your sisters and your mothers you learn a little about the meaning of life. You start to wonder how much you really need and where you are headed. What really is the purpose of the movement of time?