Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Love is.

Love is a string that cannot be broken
It is a mirth which cannot be quenched
Your love, my love, our love, together
Love is greater than all of us together

Love is a quality that makes you dream
Of stars and stripes and all the supposed glory
when in the end love shows itself naked
in all its glory, you but bend down in shame.

Love is a god that cannot be separated,
from the source, of all true love,
of truth, glory and seeds to be sown.
Love is a seed that cannot be sown.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Myth, Reality.

For so many years
We have been trying to prove
the myth, reality.

now when we realize
We see the badge
Pinned to our chest

The reality lies far,
The myth close-
Everything torn asunder

Beginning to lose.